State Champions 1969.

The jubilee tenth championship crown was won in 1969, in the 41st national championship, or the 23rd after World War II. In this championship, hard work and the application of modern scientific achievements in football were fully expressed. The only Crvena Zvezda , on a scientific basis, fully controlled the form of its players, based on cooperation with sports doctors, associates of the Yugoslav Institute of Physical Culture in Belgrade. The professional staff created a training plan for the team and individuals, using advice and results obtained from our highest scientific institution in sports.

The championship had a dramatic course. Dinamo led by five or more points on several occasions. The team from Zagreb was first from the eighth to the 25th round of the championship, when they were dethroned by Crvena Zvezda and remained there until the end of the season. The most difficult for the red and whites was the 21st week of the championship, when Dinamo won 3:1 at Topčidersko Brdo. Before that derby, the guests from Zagreb already had a three-point advantage, which they then increased to a large and seemingly unattainable five. Although everyone saw Dinamo as the new champion at the time, Zvezda did not give up and after six consecutive victories overtook its direct rival in the race for the title. Dinamo had the fall, but this time Zvezda's spring blew away all opponents, including the "blues" from Zagreb. In the end, there were three points of advantage for our club.

Playing staff

Crvena Zvezda : Zoran Antonijevic 30-5, Jovan Acimovic 31-3, Ratomir Dujkovic 31-28 goals conceded, Kiro Dojcinovski 33-2, Milovan Djoric 34-3, Slobodan Jankovic 3, Zivorad Jevtic 22, Sava Karapandzic 4, Stanislav Karasi 1, Branko Klenkovski 32-4, Petar Krivokuca 21-2, Vojin Lazarevic 34-22, Aleksandar Markovic 10, Trifun Mihailovic 2, Stevan Ostojic 32-17, Miroslav Pavlovic 32-1, Dojcin Perazic 1, Rade Radic 1, Racic Dragan 3-2, Dragan Dzajic 33-16.

Coach: Miljan Miljanic.

After the shock of Dinamo's victory at Marakana, Miljanić was cheerful in a conversation with the press: In the last championship, we also lost a match to Dinamo, but we still won the championship title. Let's do it again this time.

And it happened again! Crvena Zvezda defended the title of Yugoslav champion for the third time in its history. The top scorer of the championship was Vojin Lazarević with 22 goals. The final balance was 18 wins, 12 draws and four losses, with a goal difference of 75:30. We won a total of 48 points.





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