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Trenutno nema rezultata za željenu pretragu, pokušajte neki drugi pojam
Crvena zvezda igra sa Vardarom humanitarni meč za stradale u Kočanima
Stravična tragedija u Kočanima, Severnoj Makedoniji potresla je celokupnu srpsku javnost, a tim povodom generalni direktor našeg kluba - Zvezdan Terzić se oglasio, izjavio saučešće porodicama preminulih, ali i istakao da će Crvena zvezda u njihovu čast odigrati humanitarni meč u aprilu sa Vardarom.
Zvezda TV | VIII dekada
U novom izdanju emisije “Zvezda TV” možete pogledati kako je izgledala proslava 80. rođendana našeg kluba na stadionu “Rajko Mitić”. 
Zvezdini biseri - Grafičar poražen u Zemunu
Razvojni tim Crvene zvezde - Grafičar, poražen je danas od Zemuna u 27. kolu Prve lige Srbije, rezultatom 2:0.
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The statistics prove it - Zvezda plays offensively in the Champions League as well
After two rounds of the Champions League, Crvena Zvezda is in the top ten clubs of the best European football competition, when it comes to the accuracy of passes, as well as among the first five teams in terms of the number of crosses sent.
Seol candidate for the best player in Asia
Our club's defender Jung Woo Seol is in the shortlist for the best player in Asia in the 2023 calendar year.
Katai became the best scorer in the Superliga and tied with Pančev!
Zvezdin Magico - Aleksandar Katai wrote his name in golden letters in the history of our club, as well as of Serbian football, as he scored two goals against the Radnički team from Niš, overtaking Milan Bojović and becoming the top scorer in the history of the Super League.
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Samaя эffektnaя osenь «Zvezdы» za poslednie desяtь let
Igroki «Crvenы zvezdы» velikolepno igraюt vo vnutrennem pervenstve, i ob эtom govorit tot fakt, čto posle 13 turov vnutrennego pervenstva naša komanda pokazala samuю vыsokuю rezulьtativnostь za poslednie desяtь let.
Prodanы vostok i zapad, poslednяя partiя biletov na Barselonu budet v subbotu.
Igroki «Crvenы zvezdы» vstretяt «Barselonu» na stadione «Raйko Mitič» 6 noяbrя v 21:00. Soobщaem bolelьщikam, čto vse biletы, vыstavlennыe na prodažu, rasprodanы, i čto vse želaющie smogut polučitь biletы na matč Ligi čempionov tolьko pri pokupke biletnogo paketa ili posle matča čempionata s «Voevodinoй».
Olainka uspešno prooperirovan
"Crvena zvezda" soobщaet, čto futbolist našego kluba Piter Olainka perenes uspešnuю operaciю v Finlяndii.
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