Nakon treninga u teretani, fudbaleri Crvene zvezde su od 17 sati 30 minuta po prvi put danas izašli na teren.
Šljivić : Atmosfera je sjajna, spremamo se "punom parom"
Mladi prvotimac Crvene zvezde - Jovan Šljivić, otkrio je kako teku pripreme u Turskoj, ali i istakao da se ekipa trudi da ispoštuje sve zahteve stručnog štaba.
Jutarnji trening u teretani
Crveno -beli su i ovog jutra bili vredni, ali su za razliku od prethodnog dana jutarnji trening odradili u teretani.
FC Crvena zvezda informs the public that the "Rajko Mitić" stadium is sold out for the duel against Barcelona. Large crowds are expected ahead of the Champions League fourth round match, so it is very important that all visitors follow the club's instructions.
Information before Barcelona
Crvena zvezda football players will welcome Barcelona on Wednesday - November 6 at 21:00, and the club appeals to fans to respect all the rules of behavior at the stadium.
Instructions for Benfica game
There is a lot of interest for our UEFA Champions League game against Benfica. Big crowds are expected on matchday, so it is extremely important to follow all the club's instructions.