Fudbalski klub Crvena zvezda vam želi srećnu pravoslavnu Novu godinu! Da budete zdravi i srećni, i da se zajedno radujemo novim uspesima!
Zvezda TV | Red , rad i disciplina
U novom izdanju emisije “Zvezda TV” možete pogledati kako je protekao prvi deo priprema fudbalera Crvene zvezde u Antaliji.
Zlatni tim - Cvijetin Blagojević
Gost u emisiji "Zlatni tim" je bio nekadašnji fudbaler Crvene zvezde - Cvijetin Blagojević. Legenda crveno-belih je u našem studiju pažljivo sastavila najbolji tim od igrača koji su nastupali za Crvenu zvezdu.
In the new edition of the "Zvezda TV" show, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a conversation with the pearl of our club - Andrija Maksimović, who made his first appearance in the Champions League against Inter and became the youngest debutant in the history of Zvezda and Serbian football.
Elšnik 's dominance through the passing game
Red Star midfielder - Timi Max Elšnik, thanks to his performance on the field, stood out as the best-rated player of our team in the Serbian Super League with an average rating of 7.79.