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Trenutno nema rezultata za željenu pretragu, pokušajte neki drugi pojam


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Trenutno nema rezultata za željenu pretragu, pokušajte neki drugi pojam
Milojević : Voleo bih da sutra navijači dođu u velikom broju i naprave lepu atmosferu
Šef stručnog štaba Crvene zvezde - Vladan Milojević je izneo očekivanja pred meč 28. kola Superlige Srbije, koji će njegovi izabranici odigrati sutra od 16 časova protiv subotičkog Spartaka.
U susret protivniku - Spartak
Fudbaleri Crvene zvezde će u nedelju, 16. marta od 16 časova dočekati ekipu Spartaka iz Subotice na stadionu “Rajko Mitić”, u meču 28. kola Superlige Srbije. Na pomenutoj utakmici će Crvena zvezda proslaviti 80. rođendan, a ulaz je besplatan.
Najava prenosa - Grafičar gostuje Zemunu
Prvi tim Grafičara će u ponedeljak, 17. marta od 14 časova gostovati Zemunu na njihovom stadionu u meču 27. runde Prve lige Srbije.
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"Red and white blood" 31st time - Collected 591 units of blood
Today , the second day of the "Red and White Blood" campaign was held in the Media Center of the "Rajko Mitić" stadium. This is the 31st time that the action has been held in cooperation with the Institute for Blood Transfusion of Serbia, and fans were able to voluntarily donate blood in Kosovska Mitrovica, in addition to Marakana. Counting both locations, as many as 591 celebrities donated blood during the two days of action.
Kanga among the top ten players of the African Cup of Nations qualifiers
The midfielder of our team and representative of Gabon - Gelor Kanga is the seventh best-rated player according to the platform "Sofascore" in the qualification for the African Cup of Nations.
Passenger list for Monte Carlo
On Tuesday at 6:45 p.m., the Red Star footballers will face a match in the third round of the Champions League, and the head of our team's coaching staff - Vladan Milojević has taken 21 players on the trip.
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Igroki pervoй komandы vstretilisь s bolelьщikami v ofise «MTS»
Bolelьщiki «Zvezdы» imeli unikalьnuю vozmožnostь vstretitьsя segodnя so Stefanom Lekovičem, Andrieй Maksimovičem i Vladimirom Lučičem v TC «Galereя», v ofise našego partnera – «MTS».
Seol kandidat na zvanie lučšego igroka Azii
Zaщitnik našego kluba Čon U Solь popal v šort-list lučšego igroka Azii 2023 kalendarnogo goda.
Kataй stal lučšim bombardirom Superligi Serbii!
Aleksandr Kataй zolotыmi bukvami vpisal svoe imя v istoriю ne tolьko našego kluba, no i vsego serbskogo futbola. Zabiv dva gola komande «Radnički» iz Niša, on obognal Milana Boйoviča i stal lučšim bombardirom v istorii Superligi Serbii!
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