Milojević : Bitna pobeda, navijači su nešto najlepše što postoji
Šef stručnog štaba našeg tima - Vladan Milojević je sumirao utiske nakon trijumfa (1:2) crveno-belih na gostovanju ekipi TSC u Bačkoj Topoli.
TSC - Crvena zvezda 1:2 (0:1)
Fudbaleri Crvene zvezde su slavili na gostovanju ekipi TSC rezultatom 1:2 u 21. kolu Superlige Srbije.
Milojević : Uz podršku zvezdaša sve je lakše
Fudbaleri Crvene zvezde će sutra u Bačkoj Topoli od 16 časova započeti drugi deo sezone u Superligi Srbije protiv ekipe TSC. Tim povodom je očekivanja izneo šef stručnog štaba Crvene zvezde - Vladan Milojević.
Crvena zvezda football players will welcome Barcelona on Wednesday - November 6 at 21:00, and the club appeals to fans to respect all the rules of behavior at the stadium.
Instructions for Benfica game
There is a lot of interest for our UEFA Champions League game against Benfica. Big crowds are expected on matchday, so it is extremely important to follow all the club's instructions.
Instructions for FK Bodø/Glimt game
There is a lot of interest for our UEFA Champions League play-off second leg with FK Bodø/Glimt. Big crowds are expected on matchday, so it is extremely important to follow all the club's instructions.