Fudbaleri Crvene zvezde su savladali Spartak na gostovanju u Subotici u okviru 13. kola Superlige Srbije. Crveno -beli su do trijumfa stigli dominantnom igrom, a u listu strelaca se upisalo čak pet različitih fudbalera našeg tima.
Omladinci slavili protiv Grafičara
Omladinski sastav Crvene zvezde je pobedio ekipu Grafičara rezultatom 1:3, u okviru 11. kola Omladinske Lige Srbije. Strelci za ekipu Nenada Milijaša su bili Ognjen Teofilović u dva navrata, kao i Nikola Tasić.
U susret protivniku - Spartak
Fudbaleri Crvene zvezde će u subotu, 26. oktobra od 18 časova, gostovati ekipi Spartaka u Subotici, u okviru 13. kola Superlige Srbije.
Crvena zvezda informs the public that the football player of our club - Peter Olanjinka, underwent a successful operation in Finland.
Notice before Barcelona
There is great interest in the Champions League fourth round match between Crvena zvezda and Barcelona, which will be played at the "Rajko Mitic" stadium on Wednesday at 9 p.m. Large crowds are expected, so it is extremely important to follow all club instructions.
Instructions before Barcelona
FC Crvena zvezda informs the public that the "Rajko Mitić" stadium is sold out for the duel against Barcelona. Large crowds are expected ahead of the Champions League fourth round match, so it is very important that all visitors follow the club's instructions.
V novom vыpuske programmы Zvezda TV u vas budet vozmožnostь nasladitьsя besedoй s bolьšim talantom našego kluba - Andrieй Maksimovičem, kotorый vpervыe sыgral v Lige Čempionov protiv «Intera» i stal samыm molodыm debюtantom v istorii «Zvezdы» i serbskogo futbola.