Talentovani vezni fudbaler našeg kluba - Vasilije Kostov je danas u prostorijama Zvezdine televizije produžio ugovor do 2027. godine.
Karte za Štutgart i PSV u slobodnoj prodaji
Fudbalski klub Crvena zvezda obaveštava javnost da su ulaznice za mečeve Lige šampiona protiv Štutgarta i ekipe PSV od danas u slobodnoj prodaji.
Zvezdani momenti - Rapid Beč 1962. godine
Na današnji dan, pre tačno 62 godine, 13. novembra 1962, Crvena zvezda je savladala Rapid iz Beča sa 1:0, u revanš utakmici prve runde Kupa sajamskih gradova.
Zvezda 's most effective autumn in the last ten years
Crvena zvezda players play great games in the domestic championship, and this is evidenced by the fact that after 13 rounds of the domestic championship, our team showed the highest efficiency in the last ten years.
Sold east and west, the last contingent of tickets for Barcelona on Saturday
The players of Crvena zvezda will welcome Barcelona at the "Rajko Mitić" stadium on November 6 from 21:00. We inform the fans that all the tickets that have been put on sale so far are sold out, and that all those interested can get tickets for the Champions League match only by buying a ticket package or after the championship match with Vojvodina.
Olanjinka was successfully operated
Crvena zvezda informs the public that the football player of our club - Peter Olanjinka, underwent a successful operation in Finland.
V novom vыpuske programmы Zvezda TV u vas budet vozmožnostь nasladitьsя besedoй s bolьšim talantom našego kluba - Andrieй Maksimovičem, kotorый vpervыe sыgral v Lige Čempionov protiv «Intera» i stal samыm molodыm debюtantom v istorii «Zvezdы» i serbskogo futbola.