Fudbaleri našeg razvojnog tima Grafičara su polusezonu u Prvoj ligi Srbije završili na osmoj poziciji sa 27 bodova posle 20 utakmica.
Zvezda TV | Crveno -belo veče 2024.
U novom izdanju emisije “Zvezda TV” možete pogledati kako je izgledalo zvezdaško “Crveno-belo veče”, koje je naš klub tradicionalno obeležio na kraju 2024. godine.
Učinak Zvezdinih defanzivaca
Fudbaleri Crvene zvezde su pobedom nad Čukaričkim (5:2) u 20. kolu Superlige Srbije spustili zavesu na veoma uspešnu jesenju polusezonu, a tome su umnogome doprineli defanzivci našeg kluba.
In the new edition of the "Zvezda TV" show, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a conversation with the pearl of our club - Andrija Maksimović, who made his first appearance in the Champions League against Inter and became the youngest debutant in the history of Zvezda and Serbian football.
Elšnik 's dominance through the passing game
Red Star midfielder - Timi Max Elšnik, thanks to his performance on the field, stood out as the best-rated player of our team in the Serbian Super League with an average rating of 7.79.